Graduated in Barcelona at Institut del Teatre i de la dansa at 2005, he has danced with companies like It Dansa (BCN), Bonachela Dance Company (UK), Galili Dance (NL), Gelabert-Azzopardi (ES), Oldenburg y Mainz Staaststheater Staatstheater (DE), Cooperativa Maura Morales (DE), Club Guy & Roni (NL), La Veronal (ES) among others projects companies. Right now back in Spain he collaborates with Eulàlia Bergadà y Ariadna Monfort (Institut del Teatre Dance Awards 2015/2016). In Holland he is working right now with Wir Sind Zu Hause, premier in July in a festival in Groningen. As a repeater he has worked at Ballet Konzert Bern in a revival of a Guy Weizman opera, and in the Amsterdam conservatory. Rober is also trained in Ashtanga Ioga and its pedagogy, and currently teaches & runs workshops in Barcelona. This year he and 6 other friends made a collective in Barcelona, Hotel Escenic, they have premier in Sala Hiroshima with a double bill program with Marie Gyselbrecht and Quim Bigas as choreographers.
For DANCE ALL YEAR LONG Rober Gomez will do a works inpired by Saint Vitus' dance - a disorder of the nerves that control movement resulting in jerky movements of the arms, legs, and face that cannot be controlled.
"The iconography represents the saint with a cauldron on his shoulder, alluding to the death in boiling oil that Diocletian had prepared as a reward for having cured his own son of horrible epileptic fits that he had suffered since childhood. But when they all expected to see him die burned like an anchovy, what they saw was that the saint rolled up his cloak and started dancing a kind of rock and roll that infected the entire imperial court, starting with the emperor, "says Miguel Fernández Garmón in «With the cross and the lanterns (Origin and picaresque of the religious saying)»
Den Fynske Opera
Filosofgangen 19
5000 Odense